Citizens Take Action
Dawson Creek, B.C.
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MAR 2023 CTA members on patrol decided to look at all apartments for stolen vehicles. \
June 2023
We meet most week and get together to discuss the crime
in our community.
Join our group today! We meet weekly and are always looking for members who support our cause - lower crime in Dawson Creek and the surrounding area!
Who are we?
We are a group of concerned citizens from Dawson Creek and the surrounding area. We come from a variety of different backgrounds such as local business owners large and small, property owners, mothers, fathers, community leaders, utility managers, landlords, and more. Our group consists of men and women, young and old from different backgrounds, races, and religions. We all have one thing in common – we care about our community, and we will stand up for it.
What are our goals?
Our primary goal - is to restore peace of mind to the hard-working residents of Dawson Creek and the surrounding area by stopping property crime. Property theft and drug-related crime has escalated in our community to what we believe are unacceptable levels.
Secondary goals -
Hold our RCMP detachment to task to ensure they are doing everything in their power to help us achieve our primary goal of stopping/preventing crime in Dawson Creek.
Grow our group to as many like-minded individuals as possible. The more people look out for their community and others, the better.
Hold our Mayor and Council to task to ensure they are doing everything they can to aid the RCMP to offer max value to the taxpayers of Dawson Creek.
Put pressure on all levels of government and the crown for realistic punishment from the courts.\